


8月16日, UNE started requiring 多因素身份验证(MFA) for all faculty and professional staff. 从3月21日开始,学生也将被要求使用MFA. 


如何建立Okta MFA



多因素身份验证(MFA), a process whereby individuals use two or more devices to validate their identity rather than only relying on a simple username and password, 是否已成为安全访问技术服务和资源的标准方式. 您可能已经通过网上银行熟悉了这些类型的系统, 个人电子邮件, 通过主要零售商在网上购物.


随着当今数字世界的复杂性以及我们在网上所做的一切工作, 无论是远程还是校内, our personal and professional information must be kept as secure as possible from malicious and nefarious activity generated from cybercrime. This University-wide initiative helps protect the privacy of our employees’ and students’ data while modernizing our cybersecurity posture, allowing us to better scale our services as many third-party systems now require MFA to be in place.


Most individuals find that using the Okta Verify App is easier because you do not need to retype the 6-digit code back into your workstation to complete the authentication process. 也, 短信身份验证因素依赖于您的蜂窝连接, 并不是每一栋教学楼都可靠. 请按照本页面顶部的视频进行设置说明.


是的,登录时需要MFA.okta.. com访问UNE服务.

Most of my work is done through VPN, will I be required to use MFA when accessing UNE this way?



如果您有其他问题或遇到问题,请联系ITS帮助台 helpdesk@一个.edu.

我已经注册了MFA,当我登录时它没有要求任何东西. 我错过什么了吗?? 

You will not be required to use MFA until the deadline for the specific group that you fall into.


On March 21, 2023, UNE will require all students, faculty, and professional staff to use MFA. 


MFA will be required whenever you sign into Okta or your session with Okta times out due to inactivity and prompts you to sign back in.


Our remote Help Desk will be able to help you with MFA issues that may occur during these times. 请拨打1 (877)518-4673.


If you are having issues receiving calls or text messages, we recommend turning on Wi-Fi calling. 如果你需要帮助设置Wi-Fi通话, 或者在此之后你仍然无法接听电话或短信, 请与服务台联系以获得更多帮助.

Many people also find that if they do not have a reliable cellular connection where the usually connect that the Okta Verify app works a lot better. 

My personal phone is not connected to my UNE accounts; can I still download the Okta Verify app from the app store? 

你可以使用个人应用商店账户下载Okta Verify应用. Your UNE credentials are not needed on your phone to download, install, or configure the app for MFA.

Okta Verify应用是免费的吗? 

如果您使用SMS/文本消息因素进行身份验证, 那么您不需要下载Okta验证.


Okta Verify needs permission to use your camera when you set up your smartphone or tablet. 它只使用您的相机扫描用于激活的快速响应(QR)码. 激活后,Okta Mobile无法访问您的相机. 您可以删除此权限,Okta Verify将正常工作.


在这种情况下, 当主MFA设备无法访问时, 我们鼓励您参观IT办公室(一楼), Petts Center on BC or 天天p 08年 on PC) or to contact the Help Desk at x2487 (or after hours at 1-877-518-4673) so that we can provide you with a temporary exclusion. 请注意,这是一个临时解决方案, and steps will need to be taken to ensure that your phone is accessible again as soon as possible.


If your phone cannot install the Okta Verify App, we encourage you to use the SMS/text option.


如果您的手机无法接收短信, contact the Help Desk at x2487 (or after hours at 1-877-518-4673) so that we can request approval to use a security token for authentication. 如果请求得到批准,则将颁发安全令牌. Any request for a permanent exclusion to allow for a security token will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by UNE leadership.

What if I have a mobile plan that requires me to pay for more than a certain number of SMS texts each month?

If you are unable to receive unlimited SMS/text messages on your phone without incurring additional fees, 我们建议您安装Okta验证应用程序, 同时支持苹果和谷歌平台. If your device does not support either of these operating systems or is unable to install the Okta Verify App, please contact the Help Desk at x2487 (or after hours at 1-877-518-4673) so that we can request approval to use a security token for authentication. 如果请求得到批准,则将颁发安全令牌. Any request for a permanent exclusion to allow for a security token will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by UNE leadership. 


如果你没有手机, please contact the helpdesk at x2487 (or after hours at 1-877-518-4673) so that we can request approval to use a security token for authentication. 如果请求得到批准,则将颁发安全令牌. Any request for a permanent exclusion to allow for a security token will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by UNE leadership.


短信验证只适用于美国.S. 和加拿大的数字. 如果您使用国际号码,我们建议您使用OKTA验证应用程序, 哪些可以通过你的设备的应用商店下载. 



(207) 602-2487


天天p 08年
(207) 602-2487

课外时间(两个校区):1 (877)518-4673




Okta可以通过所有主流浏览器(Chrome, Firefox, Safari等)访问.)下载,网址如下: http://okta.pompim.com/


  • 用户名:您的东北ID或完整的UNE电子邮件(两者都可以)
  • 密码:您的密码(首次登录请参见“首次登录”)
  • 记住我:选中此框将保存一个cookie到浏览器与您的用户名. 只有当你是唯一使用该设备的人时才这样做.
  • 登录:输入用户名和密码后,点击这里登录
  • 需要帮助登录?:如忘记密码,请按此连结(请参阅“重置密码”)


作为第一次用户, 系统将提示您设置新密码和多因素身份验证(MFA)选项.

  1. 去okta.一个.edu.
  2. 输入您的用户名. 对于所有用户,这是您的东北ID (e).g., wblais1, sdavis)或您的完整的UNE电子邮件(e.g., wblais1@一个.edu, sdavis@一个.edu). 
  3. 输入密码. 对于首次使用者,这是你的个人参考号码(PRN)的最后六位数字。.
  4. 点击“登录”设置MFA选项. 您需要在Okta验证应用程序(推荐)或短信认证之间进行选择.
  5. 按照提示进行设置. 如果您愿意,可以设置两个MFA选项.
    • For additional assistance with setting up your MFA options please review the video at the top of this page.
  6. 一旦你设置了你的MFA选项,你会被要求更改你的密码. Re-enter your initial password and then, following the password requirements, create a new password.
  7. 点击“更改密码”保存新密码.





一旦你在登录时被提示输入手机, 您可以按以下步骤重置密码:

  1. 在底部 Okta登录页面 点击“需要帮助登录”?然后是“忘记密码了。?"
  2. 输入您的UNE邮箱或东北账号,点击“短信重置”
  3. 在移动设备上查看通知
  4. Enter the verification code in the 'Enter Code' field of the verification screen and click 'Verify'
  5. 输入新密码,然后按“重置密码”


Your Okta password automatically expires every 90 days and will need to be reset at that time.

If your current password has expired, you will be required to reset it the next time you log in.

从密码过期前一周开始, Okta登录屏幕将询问您是否要重置密码. 您可以选择在到期日之前不更新.


随时手动更改密码, 在上方导航栏点击你的名字,然后点击“设置”.

 在“更改密码”栏中, 输入您当前的密码, 两次输入新密码, ,按“更改密码”


如果你在Okta有问题除了重置你的密码, 请使用Okta帮助界面报告问题.



Okta帮助屏幕将在一个新选项卡中打开. 按照有关问题的说明进行操作.



The Okta主页 provides tiles that link to various university-wide software applications. 单击磁贴将在新的浏览器选项卡中打开所选应用程序.

您可以通过拖放瓷砖来改变它们的顺序. 您也可以通过单击“+”图标创建自定义的“选项卡”, 给它起个名字, 然后把贴图拖到上面.

  • 瓷砖的选择可能会随着时间的推移而改变,并且会因用户而异.g.,访问Banner的用户将看到Banner tile,但其他用户不会)。.
  • 而Okta提供单点登录(SSO)功能, 目前并非所有软件应用程序都支持SSO. 这意味着点击一些贴图(例如.g., 横幅)将自动将您登录到该应用程序, 而其他瓷砖(亮空间, U-在线) will still require you to enter your Nor'Easter ID and Okta password (as these applications support SSO at UNE, 他们的瓷砖将被更新).
  • 微软产品可能会提示你选择是否“保持登录”?,然后将您传递到选定的应用程序.


  • 更改密码, 安全问题, 或者安全图像, 在上方导航栏点击你的名字,然后点击“设置”."
  • 滚动到所需的部分(密码, 问题, 安全形象, 等),然后选择“更改”或“编辑”, 适当的.
  • 您无法更改所列的“个人信息”


  • 要退出Okta,请在上部导航栏单击您的姓名,然后单击“退出登录”。.
  • Signing out of Okta will also sign you out of all other SSO application sessions in your browser.



确保设备的最大安全性, you will be required to restart/log out of your UNE device each time you change your Okta password, 使用下面的说明.

  1. 一旦您重置了您的密码在http://一个.okta.. Com您可以重新启动计算机.
  2. 当您的计算机重新启动时,您将被提示与Sophos登录屏幕. As Sophos does not yet know that you have reset your password you will need to enter in your old Nor’Easter credentials.
  3. After entering your old Nor’Easter credentials you will then be prompted to enter your new Nor’Easter credential that you have set through Okta. 
  4. 作为最后的安全检查,Sophos将要求您重复您的旧UNE密码. 您需要再次输入旧密码, 然后索福斯会将新的东北风证书同步到你的系统中.


确保设备的最大安全性, you will be required to restart/log out of your UNE device each time you change your Okta password, 使用下面的说明.

  1. 一旦您重置了您的密码在http://一个.okta.. Com您可以重新启动计算机.
  2. 当您的计算机重新启动时,您将被提示与Sophos登录屏幕. As Sophos does not yet know that you have reset your password you will need to enter in your old Nor’Easter credentials.
  3. After entering your old Nor’Easter credentials you will then be prompted to enter your new Nor’Easter credential that you have set through Okta.
  4. 这将同步这个新密码到你的Mac.
